First off, I want the world to know that I sincerely appreciate my mother-in-law for giving birth to my husband. If not for her, I’d probably...
Continue reading...PERSONAL AS F*CK ಠ‿ಠ
Anon Blog: I Should’ve Done This Sooner
Why start an anon blog when privacy does not seem to matter to some people anymore? Just look at your social media feeds. Crazy. Anyway, I’ll...
Continue reading...Sleep Paralysis Tickling (Demon) Nightmare
Sleep paralysis tickling stories are all over the internet. As always, there’s a scientific explanation for it, although I understand why some people consider it paranormal....
Continue reading...HostBlast Review From An Actual Vexed Customer
This HostBlast review is based on my actual experience when I used their service. Update: In the end, just like HostBlast, PrewebHost did not deliver. Downtimes...
Continue reading...Cloudflare Issues on WordPress: Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That
I was exploring cPanel on HostBlast earlier this week, clicking around, reading, and making sure I have access to all the features my hosting provider has...
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